Tuesday 5 August 2014


Below is a little snapshot of John Titor Posts relating to the Everett-Wheller-Graham model of the Many-Worlds/Multiverse Theory.  This post is Just a HELLO WORLD test and yes, the quotes are neither attributed, nor in order or context.
As both my browsers seem to not 'want' to post/upload the original Titor Files at the moment, a trusted source is receiving them.
For the moment, whilst I sort out uploading to the site, please take this as an offering of sincere intention and goodwill.
All suggestions will be greatly appreciate.

As this has been collated for my own personal reasons there are sections of comments from Pamela and various other posters.  I will edit and clean this up shortly.

"My "time" machine is a stationary mass, temporal displacement unit manufactured by General Electric. The unit is powered by two, top-spin, dual-positive singularities that produce a standard, off-set Tipler sinusoid.

You may be interested to know that even in 2036, there are a large number of people who don’t believe in time travel. Are you sure the world is round?

Everett Wheeler Graham model.

How exactly does the singularity sensor measure the expansion of the inner event horizon or why does the reality of multiple worlds support the religious dogma that there are no good or bad people just good and bad desicions

In my experience, when it becomes necessary to convince someone what I do for a living the only way to do that is to be related to them. Everything else is immediately written off as a parlor trick, even if they’re standing in front of a cooling distortion unit and I show them a dollar bill with the year 2029 on it.

The means by which I travel in time is very physical. I require a “machine” to do it. It weighs about 500 pounds and gets quite hot. I do not own it and I did not build it. Within limits, I will be happy to discuss how it works and how “future” science thinks time works. No we have not completed string theory yet but (N-10) seems to work pretty well.

As far as the future goes, your worldline is about 2.5% different than mine. This is a roughly cumulative measurement based on my arrival in 1975. As far as I can tell right now, you are headed toward the same events I would call “my history” in 2036. However, the very nature of time travel states that every worldline is unique and you are very much in control of what you do and how you get there. Heck, the fact that I’m here makes it different from mine.

Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to approach the Wright Brothers in 1910, before their first flight, and make the suggestion that in a mere thirty years, man would be on the brink of flying through the air at the speed of sound.

What tools would I be able to show them that would convince them? Would a picture of a jet airplane do it? Would complicated math and physics equations do it? Would it take a ride? Perhaps there will be a way to share the photos again but I don’t expect it would convince anyone. I would only hope they would spark conversation and make the reality of time travel a little more personal.

Although I have no personal experience with non-mechanical time travel, I cannot discount it. Physics has a way of making the impossible a reality.

I’m not sure the physics of time travel is really that hard to grasp. Most of the working theory has been around on a large scale since 1970 and the technical breakthroughs are happening on your worldline right now.

The main difference is the sensitivity and number of the main Cesium clocks. I would estimate that some sort of public time travel will be common around 2045.

The distortion unit reaches its target destination by using very sensitive gravity sensors and atomic clocks. The basic unit of calculation is the second. So yes, in a sense you do “dial in” in a date and the computer system controls the distortion field.

Unfortunately, time travel is not an exact science. There is inherent error and chaos in the computers ability to make accurate calculations. Based on the current technology of the clocks and sensors, distortion units are only accurate to about 60 years or so. So no, in 2036, we are unable to travel back 1000 years due to the error rate in the system. The divergence between the worldline of origin and the target worldline would be too great. If one were to try and travel back that far, history would look nothing like what you would expect.

The source of power for the C204 that allows it to distort and manipulate gravity comes from two microsingularities that were created, captured and cleaned at a much larger and “circular” facility. The dual event horizons of each one and their mass is manipulated by injecting electrons onto the surface of their respective ergospheres. The electricity comes from batteries. The breakthrough that will allow for this technology will occur within a year or so when CERN brings their larger facility online.

Perhaps it would have been clearer to state that the math has been around since 1970. I would urge you to examine the properties of Kerr black holes and Tipler cylinders. An actual working prototype was first tested in 2034. On my worldline, time travel is not a public recreation but we are all aware that it exists. You may be disappointed to know that the ability to manipulate gravity is not the technical challenge that had to be overcome. Miniaturizing the clocks and sensors, creating clever ways to vent x-rays and creating a computer system dependable enough to calculate the changes required to the field were the main challenges. There are no missing pieces…just missing energy levels and a few very interesting subatomic particles.

As a thought experiemnt, If I did tell you who the winning horse was and you killed it before the final race, would that make me a liar or would it support my statement that our worldlines are about 2% different?

Please keep in mind that gravity distortion does involve some dilation effects but “jumping” between worldlines are timelike trips, not spacelike trips.

What’s harder is knowing you could go back and correct a mistake but at the cost of the “you” on that worldline you want to live your life over again on.

Now for the physics: The grandfather paradox is impossible. In fact, all paradox is impossible. The Everett-Wheeler-Graham or multiple world theory is correct. All possible quantum states, events, possibilities and outcomes are real, eventual and occurring. The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%. (For all you scientists out there, if Schrodinger’s cat had a time machine, he might not be in the box at all.)

Therefore, there is a worldline where you are alive and another worldline where you have gone back in time to kill your relative and the you on the new worldline won’t be born but “you” the killer is still running around there. Differences between worldlines are measured from the perspective of the time traveler in terms of divergence percentage. The higher the divergence, the more “un-like” your destination worldline looks like compared to your worldline of origin.

On a philosophical level, the existence of multiple worlds implies a moral balance in the superverse. For every worldline you perform a good action, there is a worldline where you perform a bad action. There are no good and bad people, just good and bad decisions. We can only be responsible for what we do as individuals on the worldline we are on now. So take heart! Somewhere out there is a worldline where I’m spilling all the beans on Hockey, the stock market and Hollywood and you’re all off to Vegas and Wall Street making millions of dollars.

((if time travel is possible, what does that do to the reilgious? If I exist on many time lines, which one is really me? Did God create one "me", or many "me's"))

This is an excellent question that causes a great deal of controversy. Since every possible outcome, event and possibility is happening and will happen, then all good and all evil balances out in the superverse. After the reality of multiple worlds sank into our collective thought, the one basic change to all religious dogma is the concept that good and evil does not exist as an organized force in our lives nor can it be used as a useful way to judge what God may think of a situation. Good and evil are personal experiences that can only guide what we do as individuals and how we relate to others. This outlook also makes it impossible for me to judge any other person or event. We cannot see the entire universe as God sees it therefore we will never be Gods or be capable of judging anything outside of ourselves. My actions can only be judged as good and bad by me and my God.

There is also an area of thought that maintains all of the “yous” out there will make up the “you” that eventually returns to God. In that manner, it is frustrating to know that you are capable of and acting on all of the thoughts and ideas you have regardless of what the “you” here is doing. How good or evil do you think you can be?

There is even an idea (supported in physics apparently but I have a hard time with this one) that there is some sort of communication going on between all of the “yous” that are out there. Some people think that memories, intuition and conscious are actually attempts by one version of “you” to talk to another.

The only real risk I am taking is spending too long outside my main line and risking a probability error (dying, accident, etc.). Based on the physics of gravity displacement, I can’t leave when I ever I want anyway and I do have some leeway into how I conduct my mission.

It is impossible for me to change any worldline that I am not on. Nothing I do here will affect my home. The “60 year flux” is a limitation of my machine, not of physics. Jet planes can’t fly into space, my machine is not reliable past a 60 + year destination.

There are no crimes against time. However, if I were to go on some sort of a murder spree and I admitted it when I returned, then I would be held responsible for the crime of murder.

I am no more able to affect your worldline than you are. Yes, I could make the changes you suggested but you must remember that there are an infinite number of worldlines out there where I didn’t and I don’t. In fact, there’s even a worldline out there where you’re the time traveler and I’m the one writing the question.

I think the war would be good for you and your society. I don’t want to stop it.

Nothing I do here will affect any other worldline. “My” original worldline will always be the same and yes I can make changes here that would make this worldline different from mine but so can you.

This is not really big news but if / then is out and if /then /maybe is in.

Yes I am with the “me” on this worldline and he is three now. I find that fact to be rather hard for people to get along with so I don’t bring it up directly. This is the second time I have “met myself”.

The “machine” is owned by the military. I am part of a unit stationed in Tampa Florida. The real energy is in creating the machine, not operating it. It’s interesting you should bring up the divergence percentage. You may find it…entertainingly interesting to know that the divergence can be more accurate with more sensitive gravity sensors and clocks. The C206 uses 6 Cesium clocks and an active method of timing the changes in the atom.

We time travel to solve problems. A great deal of effort is going into repairing the environment and infrastructure.

I think there is only one God. I also think that our soul may be a combination of all the collective thoughts and actions of the infinite “yous”. If that is true, it becomes very difficult to define death until all worldlines come to an end.

Yes that is possible and there are no limitations on interacting with them. I find it interesting that there is some sort of collective negativity with the idea of doing that. Could it be that we are not really that comfortable with ourselves and therefore we cannot imagine meeting, liking or helping another one of us on another worldline?

I have no memory of meeting an older me as a three year old. The events between worldlines are isolated and nothing I do here will affect my worldline. Yes, my parents are alive in 2036 but they have no experience with a time traveling “me” in their 2001 either.

The other major difference is in the concept of good and evil. With multiple worlds come multiple decisions and outcomes. For every good act, there is an equal and possible bad act on another worldline. Taken to the extreme, this must mean that in God’s eyes, there is no total good and total bad in the superverse. It balances itself out to infinity. I believe we are judged on the decisions we make as individuals and the good/evil I see on my worldline is an illusion that has no worth to God. My reaction to it is what’s important to God. Although this may seem rather heartless, it does allow me to see past the evil that people do and acknowledge the core of potential goodness inside them.

There is a group working on the idea of gravity displacement to get into space but the calculations and error rate are very large obstacles to overcome.

Getting back to my exact worldline of origin is impossible but it depends on how you define the correct worldline. I can get close enough so neither I nor anyone there would know the difference. It relates to the classic example of cutting a distance in half to reach it. You can always get closer but never there. It also has a lot do with neighboring universes on Penrose diagrams but that requires more math.

Waco, Ruby Ridge and Elian exist in your news archives. Telling you about impending place crashes or other disasters (provided I could give you exact dates and times) may save lives at one point but cause cascading changes that take others at a later point.

 “why don’t time travelers revel themselves’? That’s easy, if you believe us, you’ll drug us into oblivion and put us in a small dark cell while men in white lab coats take a Phillips head screw driver to the magnetic lock on the singularity drive housing.

UFOs and I find the subject quite interesting myself. I have often wondered if they aren’t time travelers with very sophisticated machines. Based on what I know about the nature of time I find this difficult to believe but nothing is impossible.

I doubt that most jet fighter pilots are aeronautical engineers and I’ll bet most of you couldn’t give me the formula for horsepower, yet you drive a car every day.

The distortion unit is not magic and no alien technology was required to make it work. If you could see it, the “smarts” that went into designing it will amaze you more than the technology. Heck, the really interesting technology is in the computer.

The magnetic field does not require the fantastic energies you might imagine. The field is “created” and captures the singularity inside a very large and powerful specially designed particle accelerator. If the magnetic system failed (which has numerous backups including a system that would remove it from this worldline), the singularity would evaporate. Although it is smaller than an electron, it would still be quite undesirable.

The singularities do not create Tipler cylinders they create the same physical environment without all the mass. The same math works for both. There are two singularities. Their mass and spin is altered in order to adjust the size of the ergosphere and cause the event horizons to interact and create the gravity sinusoid. I have a basic home schooling education (k-12) and a bachelor’s degree in history.

Yes, but they were all training missions. There is a great deal of psychological profiling and testing and one of the training missions involved choosing a time in your life (within two years) where you wish you would have done something different and then going back to convince yourself to do it. The idea is to become familiar with the possibility of meeting yourself which can be rather difficult. It is quite odd to look at “yourself” and have a conversation. Since any “you” on another worldline would not be a mirror image, you get a slightly distorted feeling while seeing yourself, let alone the concept of speaking to yourself

Ghz is not a useful measurement. Computers are no longer measured by their speed as mush as the number of variables (not calculations) they can handle per second.

No, the unit doesn’t belong to me. I can’t make stops on the way home as it will throw the gravity measurements off and It would force me to backtrack along the backtrack. Also, I can’t just leave and arrive at any place and time I want to. There are physical and technical limits to when and where I can go.

When I say fear will keep you alive I am talking about the natural instincts and premonitions that we all trun off when its convienent. The same person who has five dead bolt locks on their door will think nothing about getting into a parking garage elevator with a total stranger. I think the fear of God is the fear of separation from God.

(8) So then when you time travel you can never actually go back to the EXACT same place you left from?

That is correct, in physical terms, I can never get back to the exact worldline I left from.

((2) Put yourself at risk by doing so,))

Yes, that’s potential true but what I gain offsets that. Does that statement answer the question why time traveler’s do not revel themselves?

Actually, I don’t think that’s correct. Minkowski spacetime (4-D) will not allow you to use Pythagoas’ theorem to decribe tensors because time needs to be expressed with the opposite sign. (please excuse my change of varibale case).

ds^2 = -c^2dt^2 + dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2
(where ds describes timelike and spacelike trips).

The tensor we should be discussing is:
ds^2 = -a^2dt^2 + w^2(df - wdt)^2 + (r^2/ D)dr^2 + r^2dq^2

I hope I got the symbols right but you should be able to recognize this…right? nuts... the a, f, r, Delta and q didn't make the translation in this font.

So where do we start? Well let us start with one of the greatest triumphs of the human mind, the great theorem of Pythagoras, a true pillar of all mathematics and physics. The theorem, which is applicable to right angled triangles in flat Cartesian (Newtonian) space takes the form of:

c^2 = a^2 + b^2

where a, b and c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle.

Next we will jump straight to Einstein's theory of Relativity which states that neither time, length, or indeed mass remain constant additive quantities when approaching the speed of light c. Our simple ideas of time and space come from the fact the we are so used to living in a three dimensional universe. Einstein showed that this was simply not true and in fact all the "foundational" three laws of Newton have to be fudged by the Lorentz factor

L_f = (1 - v^2/c^2)^-1/2

There are, however, certain quantities that do remain constant. These constants are related to four-dimensional quantities known as metric tensors. From this Einstein proved that space and time are two aspects of the same thing and that matter and energy are also two aspects of the same thing. From the second of these concepts we get the most famous equation in physics

E = mc^2

Now since time and space are aspects of space-time and we wish to travel through time and not build atom bombs we will leave E=mc^2 for the moment. To illustrate this, look at the extension of Pythagorean theorem for the distance, d, between two points in space:

d^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2

where x, y and z are the lengths, or more correctly the difference in the co-ordinates, in each of the three spatial directions. This distance remains constant for fixed displacements of the origin.

In Einstein's relativity the same equation is modified to remain constant with respect to displacement (and rotation), but not with respect to motion. For a moving object, at least one of the lengths from which the distance, d, is calculated is contracted relative to a stationary observer. The equation now becomes:

d^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 (1-v^2/c^2)^1/2

and this implies that the distances all shrink as one moves faster, so does this mean there are no constant distances left in the universe? The answer is that there are because of Einstein's revolutionary concept of space-time where time is distance and distance is time! So now

s^2 = x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - ct^2

and this new distance s (remember s stands for Space-time) does indeed remain constant for all who are in relative motion. This distance is said to be a Lorentz transformation invariant and has the same value for all inertial observers. Since the equation mixes time and space up we have to always think in terms of this new concept: space-time!

Then one runs into the problem of 'outside dating'. Meaning, as the traveler manipulates space-time, the rest of the universe ages normaly. Then we must take inter-dimensional transition into account. Once a hole is ripped into a dimensions fabric, it follows whatever entered the rip. Once the travler enters the new dimension, he commences his engines to reach the c speed (speed of light), and travels through time. The rip on the travelers side will stay in the same geographic location, while traveling through time, while the rip on the new dimension will follow the traveler. Once the desired time is reached, the travelar reenters the rip, and he has effectively traveled through time))

((As for John Titor's corrections on space-time manipulation, he has completed it correctly. However, he still an imposter.))

Apparently, I have made the leap from “fraud” to imposter. At least that’s a start and I respect my opponent on his polite yet quiet concession on the other thread. I wish to emphasize a point I tired to make earlier. Even though I answered the question correctly, it doesn’t really prove one way or another if I’m a time traveler and you should not think otherwise. I might just be really quick at looking up things up on the web.

I suppose we could debate whether or not I'm a fraud all the way up to the point I leave your worldline.


The Physics of Time Travel:

As pointed out earlier, acceleration will produce time dilation. This can be observed by the “twins paradox”. As one twin stays on Earth, the other twin in his accelerating spaceship experiences a slower passing of time. When he returns to Earth, he is noticeably younger than his twin who aged normally in Earth time. This type of “time travel” (should have been proven already on this worldline) with atomic clock experiments. With sufficient power, this type of time travel will only provide practical displacement in a future direction. This type of time travel is also isolated to a single worldline. You will not meet yourself.

As Einstein pointed out with his STR, the effects of gravity and acceleration are the same. Therefore, you will experience the same time travel effects in the twin paradox by being close to a large gravity source. In the atomic clock experiments mentioned above, the reason there was a difference in time was not because the clock in the plane was moving, it was because the clock in the well was closer to the center of the Earth. Constant speed is not acceleration.

The next step is to find a large gravity source to use in your time machine. Static black holes provide this type of power. As one twin approaches the event horizon or edge of the black hole, the other twin will watch him as he appears to slow down. He will notice his twin’s watch run slower until it stops at the event horizon. The twin moving toward the horizon will notice none of this and see his watch running just fine. Although possible, a trip into a static black hole will not take you to another worldline and it’s one-way. The force of gravity will crush you.

Fortunately, most black holes are not static. They spin. Spinning black holes are often referred to as Kerr black holes. A Kerr black hole has two interesting properties. One, they have two event horizons and two, the singularity is not a point, it looks more like a donut. These odd properties also have a pronounced affect on the black hole’s gravity. There are vectors where you can approach the singularity without being crushed by gravity. (For those interested in seeing a graphic of a photon trip through a Kerr black hole, try here)

Another other more interesting result of passing through a donut singularity is that you travel through time by passing into another universe or worldline. Please see Penrose diagrams for Kerr Black holes or you can examine the calculations of Frank Tipler.

So now the problem becomes….where do we find a donut-shaped singularity?

Steven Hawking proposed the existence of microsingularities that were created in the big bang. They were probably about the size of a proton and disappeared over the years due to an effect of radiation evaporation. (Yes, black holes do emit energy.)

When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. Soon, CERN will bring their big machine on line and they will be smashing very fast and high-energy particles together. One of the more odd and potentially dangerous items produced from this incease in energy will be microsingularities a fraction of the size of an electron. (for those who would like to follow the developments at CERN)

Through trial and error, and although they are quite heavy, hot and capable of putting out a great deal of energy (300 - 500 megawatts), it's discovered that these microsingularities can be electrified and captured. It is also interesting to note at this point that electrified singularities also have two event horizons. By spinning these various microsingularities, a localized Kerr field is created.

By using two microsingularites in close proximity to each other, it is possible to create, manipulate and alter the Kerr fields to create a Tipler gravity sinusoid. This field can be adjusted, rotated and moved in order to simulate the movement of mass through a donut-shaped singularity and into an alternate world line. Thus, safe time travel.

I am forced to admit I must rethink what I know about Mobius loops.

((6) Does time have ends?))

Yes. It is believed that all worldlines end. It is also thought that parallel worldlines that appear to be the same end at different times.

((7) Lets just say that people from the future are manipulating events now, such as preventing a tragedy, making it never occur. If it never occurred, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. This would lead to the prevention of it happening again, and so on. What would happen in one of these situations?))

Based on my understanding of time, manipulation of your worldline by future time travelers would have no affect on their original or home worldline. If that is happening, it must be for a desired outcome or result on your worldline only. If UFOs are time travelers, they plan on reaping what they sew from you not their home.


((John, if you really did travel through time you'd be dead. You have to take into account that the universe is expanding, the Earth, the solar system and the galaxy are all moving. If you truely did travel back through time, you'd materialize in 1970 where the Earth WILL be in 2036, which is the vacuum of space.))

This is an excellent point and one I thought I went over a bit earlier. There is a gravity lock system that compensates for the local gravity outside of the Tipler sinusoid. This is the reason the unit is only accurate to about 60 years.

((There is no way for you to know if there is no future world leader reading this and believing.))

Are you sure about that? Besides, I think you can have just as much impact as any “future leader”.

((4. I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. For this reason alone I cannot accept you. It is entirely logical, and I have seen no good case to counter it.))

I’m not sure I understand what you mean. If you believe in Multiple World Theory, Hawking was not the one who first thought of that. If you do, then I must be real if all possibilities exist. As I recall, Hawking felt that it was possible to build a machine but some sort of vacuum fluctuations would destroy it right before you tried to use it.

((Time travel may be possible, but if you were to time travel, you would NOT land on Earth. You would land in a vacuum of space. You have to take into account that the universe is expanding, the Earth, the solar system and the galaxy are all moving. If you truely did travel back through time, you'd materialize in 1970 where the Earth WILL be in 2036, which is NOT Earth.. it's space.))

Yes, this is a problem. It was solved by taking a “snapshot” of the local gravity around the unit before leaving a worldline and incorporating it into the sinusoid during travel. The short answer is, you “stick” to the earth but this is only a useful explanation to understand it and it’s not practical. Since the computer system is using a virtual reference, the calculations become flawed. Thus:

1. Based on the accuracy and timing of the “snapshots” the distortion units are limited to how long they can travel before becoming unstable.

2. We must leave and arrive in areas we have prior or future knowledge of in order to avoid massive objects (buildings, water, etc…)

3. The unit has a fail-safe system during travel that drops out in case of a unit shutdown or radical departure in gravity readings.

Yes, I believe in organized evil. It would sure be easier to carry out an “evil” plan if no one beloved you existed. Just curious, can anyone tell me what “Satan” really means?

((I guess you are held accountable, in some way, for changes that occur in your time period..))

You’re pretty much correct about your statement but actually, nothing I do here will affect my home. I hold myself accountable for any damage I do.

Yes, that is a remote unit. The unit itself gets hot and “unapproachable” during long travel and you’re usually subjected to about 2 G’s. It gets a little difficult to move around and the hand held unit sits next to you. The unit displays many things but time in transit, time to destination, VGL variance and unit temperature are the most common during travel.

Actually, this is a good question. If the “me” here goes on to have the same type of life and future work that I did, it may not look good on his resume that another “him” has left a videotape behind of his future mission to 1975.

Time travel_0- The observation of time travelers "appearing" suddenly in a world line do not happen very often. There are two cases and two points of view to consider. In the first case, the time machine does not move as it goes from one world line to another and then returns. The people watching on the original world linewould wave good bye and watch as the machine is turned on.
There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. If the machine doesn't move its position from world line to world line, the observer would not see it disappear at all. In the second case, if the machine is moved, it would disappear from the viewpoint of the observer and return in a different location based on where it was moved and turned on from the destination world line. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine and it disappears. If that happens while you are watching it leave and you expect it to return, you know it was moved or had a serious malfunction. It is actually quite dangerous to get too close to a distortion unit as it enters or leaves a world line. It vents radiation and has a very strong localized gravity field. Personally, I worry about that a great deal.

Pamela:2.What is the dimension of the field around the car? How many feet out from the car would you say it goes?

Timetravel_0-It can be adjusted to some degree. The CG (center of gravity) is adjustable within about 4 feet and the unit is effective about 10 to 12 feet in either direction from there. The vertical distance is quite a bit shorter and is determined by sensors in the unit.

Pamela:3.approximately in inches how much of the ground is taken with you in one trip?

timetravel_0-Depending on weather or not you are going forward or backward, the footprint of the unit is different. I wouldn't quite say it "scoops" up the ground cleanly. It sort of vibrates it loose and takes it along for the ride. It looks like someone raked the ground an inch or so deep with a small hand hoe or shovel. The negative ergosphere "scoops" up the front and back areas of the field. The positive ergosphere leaves a longer area near the center of mass. Its about a cubic foot of dirt spread out over six square feet or so.

Pamela:4.If they put the device in a house and turned it on what do you think would happen?

Timetravel_0-It might not be as destructive as you think. Depending on how close any object is to the field, it might not do any damage at all except for the floor.

Pamela:5.what would happen to a bird or small animal that ran across the field right when it was producing the field to travel?

Timetravel_0-It would be quickly spread out over the lateral length of the gravity field. Imagine being squished and stretched at the same time. I would imagine anything left after that would be vaporized and generate static electricity.

Pamela:6.how hot would you say the temperature gets on the outside of the car while in operation?

Timetravel_0-Very! hot. Depending on the power setting, 100 to 120 degrees is average.

Pamela:7.is the car in drive mode when the device is activated or is it totally turned off?

Timetravel_0-The car is off and the brake on.

Pamela: 8.has the device been tested on ships and airplanes?

Timetravel_0-Not that I'm aware of. Its important that it remain as still as possible so the gravity sensors can get a good lock. The divergence confidence would be way off if the vehicle was moving.

Interesting first question. The unit has a ramp up time after the
destination coordinates are fed into the computers. An audible alarm and a
small light start a short countdown at which point you should be secured in
a seat. The gravity field generated by the unit overtakes you very quickly.
You feel a tug toward the unit similar to rising quickly in an elevator and
it continues to rise based on the power setting the unit is working under.
At 100% power, the constant pull of gravity can be as high as 2 Gs or more
depending on how close you are to the unit. There are no serious side
effects but I try to avoid eating before a flight.

No bright flash of light is seen. Outside, the vehicle appears to
accelerate as the light is bent around it. We have to wear sunglasses or
close our eyes as this happens due to a short burst of ultraviolet
radiation. Personally I think it looks like your driving under a rainbow.
After that, it appears to fade to black and remains totally black until the
unit is turned off. We are advised to keep the windows closed as a great
deal of heat builds up outside the car. The gravity field also traps a
small air pocket around the car that acts as your only O2 supply unless you
bring compressed air with you. This pocket will only last for a short
period and a carbon sensor tells us when it's too dangerous. The C204 unit
is accurate from 50 to 60 years a jump and travels at about 10 years an hour
at 100% power.

You do hear a slight hum as the unit operates and when the power changes or
the unit turns off. There is a great deal of electrical crackling noise from static electricity.

The Nine Nations of North America and/or The Physics of Immortality (anyone recognize this author).

You can only travel in time from a static position (at least with the unit I have). In order to do even this, you must have knowledge of the local terrain and building structures. That’s one of the basic protocols we do in any time period for possible, future travelers.

((2) If each world line is separate from the others, then wouldn't the consequences of your actions now have no effect on your original world line?))

Yes, that’s correct.

Yes, I am aware that is the obvious first answer but I would hope my moral and logical arguments at least make a dent in your thinking. If you were a time traveler, would you be comfortable giving out all that information after considering the possible consequences? (Provided you knew it). If I were you, I would be worried about what the next time traveler might do….even by mistake.

((3) how can I leave a message for myself in the future if the things I do in this worldline do not effect the others?))

Just post it here. All this information will probably end up on the web in 2036. If you’re alive then and you think ahead for some reason to do a search on yourself, you might see it. Of course the “you” there would have no memory of doing it.

((Your time machine weighs 500 lbs and an average man weighs about 180 lbs. So lets say that that the mass is about 700 lbs per traveler. What is the mass of the duplicates and where did the mass come from?))

The other mass comes from other worldlines. I like to think of it as standing in a room with mirrors on the walls and the apparent “me” in the room next to mine steps into the room from his.

((What is the result of the duplicates arriving ~simultaneously at the ~same place and time?))

Psychological confusion and a few fist fights.

((How long will it take for the loop to decay? Will it decay? Is it a loop?))

The chances of hitting the precise worldline where all the other duplicates are arriving is almost zero. It's possible but increasingly less probable with each arriving duplicate. The divergence decays and the worldline is “less available” for new “yous” to arrive on.

((What happens if the experimenter, upon seeing his duplicate, decides not to continue the experiment?))

He can always leave the room on his own worldline or put a desk full of books in the position where the time machine is arriving every 30 seconds. That will probably trip the VGL system and stop the time machines from arriving.

There are numerous people and organizations that contribute to the practical application of physical time travel. I think you would be surprised how much real work is being done right now.

It wouldn’t affect me on my home worldline in the least. I would only be concerned how it would affect the “me” here. Of course it may be a large part of my secret agenda and I have no choice but to do it anyway.

((Theoretically speaking, I doubt that anyone could determine that you actually time traveled, but it would certainly make a very good show.))

I wonder what it would have been like to see a plane break the sound barrier before the jet engine was invented?

((1) You say your machine has roughly a 60 year limit. Is it possible to go back 60 years and then another 60 years? ))

Yes, that is possible but the divergence grows exponentially as you move farther away from your worldline of origin. I could make 50-year jumps to go back and see what the world looked like 2000 years ago but there is a strong chance it would look nothing like what I expect. There are larger distortion units that are more accurate and have a larger window.

((2) Have the people of your time proved the "worldline theory?" If they have, is there any information you can share with is that proves it?))

The Many Worlds theory seems to wrap up very nicely into current string theory. Unfortunately, we have not solved string theory yet either but (n-10) seems to be the best working model we have in 2036. As you are probably aware, the “big equation” does not need the final solution in order to take advantage of the smaller parts that do work in the real world.

No, my timing isn't off. I do however find myself stoping in mid-stride and paying extra attention to my environment when I forget "when" I am. When I was a child, my mother would tell me stories about angels. She told me that angels found it hard to communicate with man because man could remember his past but couldn’t see the future. Angels, acting as the eyes and servants of God, had no memory of the past but had infinite knowledge of the future. Although I am no angel, I often thought about that story after I left 2036. Besides that, I do get a lot of colds.

Again, you use the world virtually, which to me means not exactly the same spot. Under the laws of physics, I don’t personally know what happens if it were on exactly the same spot but I do know it’s possible. Under the operational limits of the distortion unit, as soon as the VGL sensors pick up an unexpected mass in the target worldline, it would shut down and drop off in a worldline where your experiment is not occurring.

After taking a quick shower and listening to the quiet hum of my archiving hard drives, I decided that Emmett and I may have made bad second impressions on each other. I find it ironic because it’s people like Emmett that will actually solve those physical issues and make it possible for people like me to go back in time and argue with them. So I hope, no hard feelings Emmett.

It also reminds me of a short story between a bicycle maker in the 1900s and a man who could fly faster than sound.

BICYCLE MAKER: Well Mr. Mach, if your plane can go faster than the speed of sound, how did you solve the compressibility problem that would tear your flimsy craft to pieces?

MR. MACH: First off, the aircraft are much more stable and made of metal instead of wood and fabric. Second, it is possible to pass the sound barrier by designing the wings and body to move the shock wave down the plane as you surpass the speed of sound.

BICYCLE MAKER: Really? Planes made of metal? Well, if your plane can fly faster than sound then why don’t you just fly to the moon?

MR. MACH: It doesn’t work that way. You need air to make the engine function.

BICYCLE MAKER: I see. Your plane can go faster than sound but needs air to function. That’s convenient and it all sounds like a penny-book fantasy to me.

MR. MACH: Perhaps… perhaps not

I'm not sure I said it didn’t bother me, I only stated I won’t interfere on purpose. Again I refer to a historical example. Before Pearl Harbor was attacked in 1941, a small group of US soldiers were experimenting with a new technology called RADAR. As the Japanese planes were flying toward the island, they actually picked them up in time to thwart the surprise attack. Unfortunately, they were unfamiliar with the equipment and figured it wasn’t working correctly. As you are aware, the ruthlessness of the Japanese “sneak” attack galvanized the US people into entering WWII.

As a time traveler it would be easy for me to take a short hike up that hill where the RADAR operators were and point out to them that indeed the equipment was working just fine and they should probably call it in. Assuming they believed me, it is arguable that my lone single action could start a chain of events that would allow the US to meet the Japanese planes and stop them from attacking the battleships. As a result, the US people would still be angry but not motivated to enter the war fully since the Japanese were not a precieved threat. Thus, you don’t begin research on the atomic bomb until well after Hitler has already dropped a couple on London.

I could save thousands of men on the Arizona at the cost of millions in London. I just don’t know how one life will affect another. However, if I were standing next to a soldier who was about to be shot by a passing Japanese plane, I would push him to safety. I realize this is inconsistent on a small scale but I am tired of watching people die in front of me. If there is a price to pay for that than so be it.

((Isn't it just as morally wrong to affect lives through inaction as it is through action? Hint: The answer is YES.))

Why are you concerned about what I might do to corrupt your worldline when you have no problem letting other people do it around you every day? Do you blame yourself for not taking any action right now to “save” people living on your streets or suffering from poverty and disease? Besides, how exactly would you propose I decide who to tell and who not to tell? (provided I knew anything at all).

((Your immediate decision, in itself, is its own authority.))

What God judges about my decision is the only authority. Again, all the things you claim I can do you are capable of also.

((If good and evil achieve a balance in the larger picture, as you suspect, and all life is "God" experiencing physical manifestation, the question of you being required to decide who lives or dies is moot.))

It’s not moot to me. To tell you the truth, I’m afraid. I don’t want the responsibility of being expected to know who lives and who dies. I know it would change me for the worse. Besides, how can you be sure my “inaction” now isn’t a result of something I’ve already screwed up and I’m trying to fix it? Javier might be right after all. Thanks for the good questions.

((Are the singularities in your machine supposed to be offsetting the light cones of particles within it’s sphere of influence allowing the world lines of these particles to appear to loop form the perspective of particles outside the effected area?))

No, that’s not how it works. The singularities are used to manipulate gravity around the observer. The singularities do not interact with any matter except the electrons that are injected onto its event horizon. The hazardous areas of gravity are quite small and exist only around the inner singularity ring and another area created in the gravity sinusoid outside the vehicle.

((I don’t mean to insult you by spelling out the obvious to you so basically, but that seems the most obvious need of a singularity.))

No insult taken. I would imagine we both agree that standing behind an operating jet engine is an unhealthy thing to do also.

((If so, how can you account for generating a gravity well deep enough to create such a disparity between light cones without sucking the planet through the eye of a needle?))

The gravity well created by the singularities is not that large. The portion of the field that is felt by the operator is about the equivalent of 2 Gs. I would urge you to examine a Penrose diagram for a Kerr black hole. As you are probably aware, the singularity is donut shaped and exhibits two event horizons. The singularities are used to “simulate” a path through the center of one of these singularities which is what takes the observer to an alternate worldline. Earlier in the thread I did go into this in a bit more detail.

((Also, this requires motion through the space immediately influenced by the mass, yet you claim travel is accomplished while the traveler is stationary.))

The unit must be stationary during operation due to the sensitivity of the gravity sensors. Any motion with an acceleration component would throw the gravity measurement from the signularities off.

((I postulate that you actually do not have any more of an advantage or responsibility than the person who grabs someone who is about to step off the curb and get hit by a bus. I would not stop and think 'gee, I don't know, do they deserve to be saved from the fate of a roadkill?' A doctor or priest does not take it upon himself to decide who should be helped. A jet pilot doesn't stop to think "Hey, air travel is pretty unnatural, these people should have to walk and row their way to Paris. I am messing with the way time and space is perceived and the nature of reality with this form of transportation." Time travel is just another form of transportation in one sense. Our possible new ability to time travel in the future may not seem any more exotic than our ability to access other cultures is now.))

I agree with this also.

((Why is it different than using a jet to go to a primitive tribe and give them, say, antiobiotics. (never mind the problems with antibiotics)It is a high tech way of interfering with a culture. Who cares what time zone. Ethically isn't it the same?))

((… are, or were, you in contact with TTs in 2036, and if so, what percentage of the people accept it as possible? After the flight of the Wright Brothers at Kitty Hawk, it took 10 plus years for people to accept it as anything more than just an urban myth.))

The general public was informed about time travel around 2034. Yes, I have had conversations with other time travelers on my home worldline. Your insight on the public is more or less correct. I would say 60% of the people realize what it is and the possible implications, 20% of the people don’t care, 10% don’t believe it and another 10% see it as something that should be banned and stopped.


((Likewise, imagine if a time traveler from the future came to this time period and told us the secret of time travel.))

Yes, imagine that. Do you think that would be a good thing or a bad thing?

((Is spiritual awakening a difficult process; if yes, then why is it so difficult, and are we all capable of it?))

Personally, I believe spiritual awakening is difficult. Why? I think God wants us back but the road we have to haul is no picnic. Maybe he’s a little angry for some reason.

I think the world is seductively clever in its presentation. "It" wants us to stay here and it distracts us from God by creating want, greed and four or five other motivations. Our goal should be to; yes, have faith and do good deeds but also look past that and have the wisdom and knowledge to realize that this place, this world, this universe is not really our home. The question I ask myself is not can I get to God, it's am I prepared for what will it be like when I get there.


((There are plenty of great mysteries, but if your only aim its to 'get to God', it is not necessary to solve them.))

I mean mysteries not of this world. For example: I suspect that the final thing we will have to give up to get to God is our free will. Do you think many people will be standing at the pearly gates saying “yes” to that one if they had a choice to come back here?

((What do you see for the future of TT in your world-line?))

That’s a good question. I am hopeful that one day when we get the planet cleaned up it will be a nice place to live on again and no one will want to leave it. On the other hand, if time travel were commonplace right now, I think a great many people would leave and perhaps never return. There is also a suggestion that time travel might make an interesting punishment. However, I don’t think we have the right to force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to the Stone Age might be a bit much.

I was thinking about what you wrote here in your previous thread:

""...There is also a suggestion that time travel might make an interesting punishment. However, I don’t think we have the right to force criminals on unsuspecting worldlines and sending them to the Stone Age might be a bit much. ""

Whoa! now there is a thought.
putting criminals back in time for punishment.
What if you put a repeat offender rapist back in the stoneage, or even further....before man.

And he started mating with everything he could find.
His first target would probably be the apes since there would be no other humans around.

He might even create a half-ape/half-man being.
Which might alter entire belief systems when they dug up the bones later. Leading people to believe we came from apes.
How's that for creative thinking???? hahaha

What if he left footprints? or worse yet...a shoe print?
Putting angry criminals back in time is probably not a good idea. could you imagine the consequences??

hmmmm, I think I know what you mean now by no absolute truths when dealing with time travel....things could always change.

((. .. making finding out if or how TT works hard . . . is this because of some accidental way the universe turned out, or is it a fundamental law written in by the Creator?))

Hawking believes it’s possible to build a time machine but a mysterious energy will destroy it if anyone tries to use it. In my opinion, manipulating gravity is not the hard part of time travel. Also, with great power comes great responsibility. If man has a limitation, that’s it.


((John Titor,what if something happens to your device to get back,let us say inoperable,would you then change the world by announcing warnings,and also what if you got a flat tire inbetwwen times would you have to pull over to fix it in a wrong time?))

No, I wouldn’t do anything different if my machine broke. I would still be a stranger and a guest here. My opinions and “announcements” would also be the same as anyone else’s. I may however offer advice to my younger self.

((instead of talking about specifics you should be bored from in your awareness to them?))

Not at all, I find the subject fascinating. There are two real issues I hope people think about when I’m gone. One, how will you react when another time traveler shows up and two, how are we going to handle the responsibility of time travel when its invented.

((As you know, bodies under acceleration lose their initial constant velocity worldline reference with respect to each other – the Twins Paradox.))

I’m not sure that’s accurate. Twin Paradox time travel only suspends your perspective on a local level as the “world” around you goes on. You do not change worldlines.

((Given that you have a possible 2.5% divergence from your own worldline (5% on a roundtrip?)on a 60-year trip and the micro-singularities (each having their own worldline) are subject to the same divergence, how do you keep them in phase?))

Good thinking but that’s not exactly the way they work and divergence is not cumulative.

((Does the divergence extend into N-dimensions? Is the 2.5% the total error or is each dimension subject to the 2.5% divergence individually?))

Yes, that’s a little closer. You should perhaps change the “N” to and “X” to avoid string theory confusion.

((…but how did you manage to overcome the problem of gathering sufficient power to artificially create a micro-singularity in such a short time (sometime prior to 2036))

The “machine” with the energy to do it will come on-line very soon. The “method” for doing it has already been “mostly” perfected in the Z machine at the National lab in New Mexico.

((I believe that it would theoretically take the total energy output of the Sun since the time of Richard the Lionhearted (about a thousand years) to form one micro-singularity, let along two.))

Not that much.

The reason time travelers do not revel themselves is because your society scares the hell out of us. We do not want to end up in a cement room on a permanent supply of sodium prenatal as men with lab coats poke at our machine with a screwdriver.

((…and John's explanation was "gravity sensors". While I'm not aware of anything called a gravity sensor in this day and age, I wouldn't discount such a thing.))


For a second there, I thought 2.5% took a big chunk out of this worldline. I found this site and I’m sure there are others out there.

((1. Could you explain your theory about worldlines? Are there
infinite worldlines? Are all worldlines separate or
connected to each other in some way?))

Yes, worldlines are infinite. Yes, they are separate but can be traversed through certain large gravity anomalies.

E=MCsquared can be solved for mass too.

((If the Hawking Radiation of a black hole stated in Kelvins is…))

The singularities are not unstable; therefore, uncontrolled evaporation is not possible. In addition, there is no extemporaneous matter near the singularity that would cause it to give off radiation or heat.

((Or - he's taken a slice of the Earth about 1.2 miles wide at the equator from pole to pole down to the center of the Earth and compressed it into a singularity. And his machine has two of them, GE has a larger unit (C206) and there are multiple machines of each model (C204 & C206). ))

A singularity about the size of an electron would only require the mass of a large mountain. The singularities inside the C204 are much small than that. And no, I didn’t make them.

((If his society doesn't space travel - then they are gobbling up the Earth to make their singularities.))

You know… E = MC squared can be written to solve for mass too.

Time travel_0- The observation of time travelers "appearing" suddenly in a world line do not happen very often. There are two cases and two points of view to consider. In the first case, the time machine does not move as it goes from one world line to another and then returns. The people watching on the original world linewould wave good bye and watch as the machine is turned on.
There would be a static discharge and the air would appear to "ripple" as if it were getting denser. Then, it would stop and the machine will have appeared to have gone no where. If the machine doesn't move its position from world line to world line, the observer would not see it disappear at all. In the second case, if the machine is moved, it would disappear from the viewpoint of the observer and return in a different location based on where it was moved and turned on from the destination world line. In that case, the rippling seems to dissolve the machine and it disappears. If that happens while you are watching it leave and you expect it to return, you know it was moved or had a serious malfunction. It is actually quite dangerous to get too close to a distortion unit as it enters or leaves a world line. It vents radiation and has a very strong localized gravity field. Personally, I worry about that a great deal.))

When I approached my grandfather in 1975 it took me quite a while to convince him I was who I said I was. He said something I’ve never forgotten and I’ve heard some of you allude to it also. After looking at the unit he turned to me and said, “Either you’ve escaped from an insane asylum or you’re a time traveler. As the weeks went on, it occurred to me that both were just as threatening and dangerous to him and I’m not sure he ever decided which one was worse.

((It’s the Hawking Radiation that you can't overcome. This radiation is separate from any other radiation given off by extemporaneous matter falling into the singularity. It is part of the description of a singularity per se absent any other matter. A singularity emits Hawking Radiation.))

Yes, that is true. If you firmly believe that Hawking radiation cannot be controlled or goes on even without the presence of virtual particles forever until the singularity explodes than you are correct.

((A simple "E=Mc^2" isn't the answer here.))

You asked where the mass comes from. I simply pointed out that mass and energy are interchangeable in the same equation. One of my Stanford pals tells me there is a running gag about the chances a VW Beetle spontaneously appearing inside the accelerator. It could only come from the transfer of energy to mass.

((You have to form the singularity for your machine to work and that takes mass - real, not virtual mass.))

That is incorrect.

((The truly faulty part of your description of your device involves the Hawking Radiation. You can't overcome it and you can't ignore it. Its not the size of the singularity that matters - its solely the mass involved that determines the temperature of the radiation.))

You seem to be quite upset and I understand your argument. I do however think it is important to gather the facts and probabilities before expelling emotional energy on them. Please keep in mind that I have not shared all the technical details of the machine with you. So an easy out would be for me to just make something up.

However, and as I’m sure you are aware, Stephen Hawking admits that his own equations support the “possibility” that microsingularities may not totally disappear as they evaporate in a sea of virtual particles and in fact may leave behind a very stable naked singularity. I’m sure you can look that up. I suppose the difficult part is believing that we’ve taken advantage of it, not that it’s impossible.

The speed of light squred is a constant number used to represent the variation between energy and mass. It does not imply that acceleration is required to change or represent the other.

So......We have progressed to talking and questioning John to thinking of what would happen if you sent a suitcase bomb back to John's world, blowing him up along with his machine and parts of the worldline he would be on at the time...possibly ours????

....Do you still wonder why you never see any time travelers?

 “If time travel is real, where are all the time travelers?” In the past, I have stated that quite frankly, you all scare the Hell out of me and I’m sure other temporal drivers would feel the same. But now I have an expanded explanation with two examples.

A while ago (on one of the posts), I related an experience I had with my parents while we were driving down a highway. Every now and then, we would pass someone who was in obvious distress with their vehicle. I was amazed that so many people could pass them by without stopping to help. Their explanation was fear. The risk of helping someone was too great and with today’s technology, they probably had a cell phone anyway. If they didn’t, the walk to a gas station would be good for them and teach them a lesson for running out of gas.

The other example is the plight of the homeless. When you pass them as individuals on the street I see the way people selectively choose an alternate path to avoid them.

Those two examples best define why time travelers do not show themselves. In trying to help you, we put ourselves as great risk and there’s really no point to it. We know the nature of time dictates that traveling between “exact” worldlines is impossible. Therefore, the only results we will see will be the ones we stay to see. Since worldlines, outcomes and events are infinite, we have better things to do. When I arrive in the “new” 1998 worldline on my way home I could easily start all of this again and continue to go through the same conversations with all of the same people. However, I already know you won’t pay any attention or believe me because we’ve already been through it on this worldline. Besides, I think the walk to the gas station will do you some good.

There is a great deal of debate about trying to use a distortion unit to “travel” to the moon. The experiment would require very precise calculations that would allow the VGL system to find a theoretical path to the moon on a different worldline. The only problem is there is no way to communicate with anyone if the experiment should succeed. In other words, it’s possible to do it but only the people on the receiving end could take advantage of it.

((He also said that the mass of the singularities is that of a "small mountain".))

If that were true, the unit could not be moved. I only refrenced the mass of a small mountain in one of our physics conversations. In fact, I believe I said the mass for the singularities in the distortion unit was much smaller.

((The last time I checked the physics I didn't see an "on-off" switch for a black hole or any other singularity.))

Me neither. I don’t believe I said you could turn it on or off.

((At 2 g acceleration you will be traveling just a tad faster than a Chevy pick-up in short order (about one year to reach light speed).))

This is the one that really disappoints me. Even you should know that Einstein’s thought experiment in the isolated elevator was based on the idea that the effects of acceleration and gravity are the same. I never said acceleration had anything to do with how the unit operates.

((If there were an infinite number of realities, then there would necessarily arise a reality that somehow causes there to be no other realities. In fact, an infinite number of such realities would have to arise that cause there to be no other realities.))

Yes!! Excellent insight. I would have enjoyed a conversation on this.

What amazes me is why no one here wonders why Y2K didn’t hit them at all?

He wanted me to remind you that people in different times do not think the same way you do and a cultures maturity is determined by how far it can plan into the future.

1. The singularity itself does not touch anything. it is suspended in a magnetic feild.

2.The singularity is charged before it is captured. that is how the second event horizon is formed. positive-top spin.

3.The gravity feilds they create are combined and twisted.

4. The gravity between the singularity and the event horizons have different properties.

5. They are controlled by overlapping and varying the energy between them.

6. The machine is in the back seat when in operation. "